Course Details

Course Name: 1st Refresher course in sanskrit
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Introduction: The Human Resource Development Centre, University of Calicut plays a vital role in the Professional Development of teachers for over 35 years, since 1987. Refresher Course will be mainly focused for those faculty members who have already undergone through the Orientation/First Level Programme in an indentified broad area. The programme will be discipline specific with advanced developments in an identified subject under the concerned broad area. In addition, there will be Refresher Courses, geared towards emerging cross discipline advanced studies to enable the participants of relevant disciplines to work together or contemporary application of new knowledge for industrial and social development and 13 other allied aspects. The goal would be to equip and motivate the participants with advanced knowledge to accept challenges of quality teaching and research.
Objectives: The Sanskrit language is considered as the mother of all indian languages. Which contains the divine scriptures like four vedas pooranas epics and rich classical Sanskrit literature. The philosophy which divide major which group astika and nastika it also included with scientific literature like Ayurveda, astronomy, architecture and environmental sciences. The traditional shasthras like vyakarana, nyaya, nirukatha, mimamsa etc which are considering the vedangas are the oxileries two comprehend the vedic literature it needs extract gist. The new coming teachers must have to aware the grateness of the disciplines of the language and literature of the great heritage two impart of the new coming generation to be proud of our rich culture and values
Start Date: 17. 03. 2023
End Date: 30. 03. 2023
University/College: University of Calicut
About Instructor: Dr.Rajanish Kumar SuklaProf.K.N.Neelakanthan ElayathProf.V.R.MuralidharanProf.C.RanganathanProf.C.RajendranProf.K.ChandrasekharanProf.K.P. KesavanProf.V.R.MuralidharanProf.T.MiniProf.K.T. Madhavan
Weekly Plan: Day 1 - session 1 Inauguration Dr.Rajanish Kumar Sukla Vice-Chancellor Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi VishwaVidyalaya,Wardha session 2 Prof.K.N.Neelakanthan Elayath Professor (Retd.), Dept. Of Sanskrit, University of Calicut Mobile:9447690070 session 3 Prof.V.R.Muralidharan Professor (Retd.), SSUS, Kalady Mobile:9446365087 session 4 Prof.C.Ranganathan Department of Sanskrit Sahitya National Sanskrit University, Tirupati day2 session 1 Prof.C.Rajendran Professor (Retd.), Dept. Of Sanskrit, University of Calicut Mobile:9447000624 session 2 Prof.C.Rajendran Professor (Retd.), Dept. Of Sanskrit, University of Calicut Mobile:9447000624 session 3 Prof.K.Chandrasekharan Professor (Retd.), University of Kerala, Tvm Mobile:9495211471 session 4 Prof.K.P. Kesavan Professor (Retd.),Cental Sanskrit University, Guruvayoor Campus Mobile:8281046511 day 4 Prof.V.R.Muralidharan Professor(Rtd.), Dept. of Sanskrit sahitya, SSUS, Kalady Mobile:9446365087 session 2 Prof.T.Mini Professor, Dept. of Sanskrit sahitya, SSUS, Kalady Mobile:9446086894 session 3 Prof.C.M..Neelakandhan Professor (Retd.), SSUS , Kalady Mobile:9847155603 session 4 Prof.K.T. Madhavan Professor (Retd.), Cental Sanskrit University, Guruvayoor Campus Mobile:8606320000 day5 Prof.P.C.Muraleemadhavan Professor (Retd.), Cental Sanskrit University, Guruvayoor Campus Mobile:9446577808 session2 Prof.P.C.Muraleemadhavan Professor (Retd.), Sanskrit University, Guruvayoor Campus Mobile:9446577808 session3 Dr.Reenu Geor
Instructor Name: Dr.Rajanish Kumar SuklaProf.K.N.Neelakanthan ElayathProf.V.R.MuralidharanProf.C.RanganathanProf.C.RajendranProf.K.ChandrasekharanProf.K.P. KesavanProf.V.R.MuralidharanProf.T.MiniProf.K.T. Madhavan
Instructors Photo

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Certification: Based on the Assessment Plan Method details in the preceding section, the grades obtained would be indicated on the certificates issued to them viz, A+, A, B and so on.
Duration In Weeks: 2
Instructors Photo: 2
Assessment Plan Method:
Language: English
Course Style: Instructor-led
Length Hours Per Week: 36
Level: Advance