Course Details

Course Name: Refresher Course in English
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Introduction: This online Refresher Course in English has been designed with exclusive focus on “Indian Writing in English” with special reference to the Regional Literature. This course aimed to explore the hitherto unexplored arenas of Indian literature in English and the theoretical understandings of such literature. The Refresher Course also aimed at the ways in which the teaching and learning of Regional Literature should be carried out, along with the inculcation of the culture of the place and the analysis of the social, economic, and political underpinnings of the literature mentioned.
Objectives:  To expose the participants to the richness of Indian and regional writings in English  To familiarise the participants with the theoretical implications of the literature mentioned  To help the teacher participants enrich their skills of teaching this highly intricate phenomenon of literature  To make the teacher participants actively involve in the research and teaching oriented deliberations
Start Date: 12. 10. 2022
End Date: 25. 10. 2022
University/College: Pondicherry University
About Instructor: The instructors were identified from different parts of the country, who have got wide experience and expertise in the areas pertaining to the theme of the refresher course. The instructors were chosen from central universities, state universities, autonomous colleges and government and aided colleges, which helped the teacher participants to have an experience and exposure of intellectual insights from different backgrounds. The list of the instructors is given in the following pages
Weekly Plan: Duration in Weeks: 2 Weeks Length hours per week: 36 hours
Instructor Name: Dr. S. Prabahar, Dean, Manonmaniam Sundaranar UnivDr G Baskaran, Dean, Gandhigram Rural Institute, DDr. Saji Mathew, Mahatma Gandhi University KottayaDr Hemachandran Karah, Indian Institute of TechnolDr Priya Nair, Kerala State Higher Education CouncDr B J Geetha, Central University of Tamil Nadu, TDr K Ravichandran, Thiruvalluvar University, VelloDr. D. Laura Dameris Chellajothi, Bharathidasan UnDr. B Hariharan, University of Kerala, ThiruvanantDr Arun Lal, Government College, Mokeri, KeralaDr. Mahesh Kumar Dey, Veer Narmad South Gujarat UnDr. Ujjwal Jana Pondicherry UniversityDr. K. Reshmi Pondicherry UniversityDr Binu Zachariah, Pondicherry UniversityDr P Boopathy, Central University of Tamilnadu, TiDr. S Armstrong, University of MadrasDr. P. Mary Vidya Porselvi, Loyola College, ChennaDr. M. Shobha, Bangalore University, BengaluruDr. Ajanta Sircar, VIT, VelloreDr Joly Puthussery, University of Hyderabad, HyderDr Padma V Mckertich, Stella Maris College, ChennaDr P Kannan, Karnataka State Akkamahadevi Women’s Dr. Kunhammad K.K, Kannur University, KeralaDr Lakhimai Mili, Pondicherry UniversityDr Clement S Lourdes, Pondicherry UniversityDr M Palanisamy, KMCPGS, PondicherryDr K S Suresh, BGCW, PondicherryDr. S. Samuel Rufus, Madras Christian College, Che
Instructors Photo

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Certification: Assessment and Grading (i) A+: 85 percent and above (ii) A: 70 per cent to less than or equal to 84 percent (iii) B: 60 per cent to less than or equal to 69 per cent (iv) C: 50 per cent to less than or equal to 59 per cent (v) F: Below 49 per cent Those teacher participants who get F grades are required to repeat the programme after a gap of one year without financial commitment to UGC-HRDC. A certificate is provided to all the eligible participants signed by the Director, HRDC; Course Co-ordinator and The Vice Chancellor.
Duration In Weeks: 2
Instructors Photo: 2
Assessment Plan Method: The participants were assessed based on five criterions, namely Participants’ Response, Seminar Presentation, Micro Teaching, Project Proposals, and Objective Type Test. The assessment was made based on the overall participation of the participants and their performance in the evaluation processes. All the 68 participants participated and performed well in the assessment.
Language: English
Course Style: Instructor-led
Length Hours Per Week: 36
Level: Advance