Course Details

Course Name: Refresher Course in Business Studies
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Introduction: The institutions of higher learning in India are facing crucial challenge in creating, nurturing and maintaining the level of updating in contemporary developments and quality research especially in social science. The need of the hour is to develop a sound methodological base of research among the budding educationists and researchers to cope up with future challenges. This refresher course in Business Studies focused on capacity building of Business Studies faculties to focuses on contemporary developments in the area of teaching and research. This refresher course also helped faculty members the basic features of computerized database management and the use of computers in data analysis and data interpretation. The course included a combination of theoretical lectures and practical experience on computers and some commonly available computer applications for both quantitative and qualitative analysis of data. The participants too trained in access to E-data bases, Case study discussion and Project preparation etc.
Objectives: • The aim of this programme is to give an exposure to in service faculty preferably Lecturers/Assistant Professors in Social Science disciplines to the latest advances in their subjects, technological spin off etc. and/or to enhance their general methodological and writing skills. The following are the major outcomes of the programme: • Faculty members participated in the programme could able to learn analytical and statistical tools for the research work • The Academic and Research Exposure they have secured by interacting with the resources persons soured from different part of the country. • Upgradation of knowledge in the recent developments in social science and higher education. • Many participants felt that this CBP will be much helpful for their Career Advance Programme (CAS) • To enable the Social Science Faculties, to define research problem, develop an approach to research problem and selection of suitable research design. • To impart capabilities for formulation and testing of hypothesis based on the nature of research. • To comprehend appropriateness of statistical software packages for analyzing research data. • To enable the participants to understand report writing and writing research proposals.
Start Date: 12. 10. 2022
End Date: 25. 10. 2022
University/College: Pondicherry University
About Instructor: Dr.P.G.Arul is presently working as Professor& Head in the Department of International Business, School of Management, Pondicherry University, Puducherry 605014, since 21st July 2010. Before joining in this University he worked in the Department of Commerce, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College, University of Delhi. He is having more than 2 decades of teaching and research experience. He has done his Ph.D., under UGC-JRF scheme in Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu. He has passed State Level Education Test (SLET) during the year 1997. His area of Teaching and Research specialization include International Trade and Logistics. Presently he has been guiding Ph.D., research scholars for their research, 6 of them awarded with Ph.D., 5 of them in the process of submission of thesis. He has presented more than 100 plus research papers in the National and International conferences. For his credit he has published 86 research articles in leading national and international journals and written three books titled (1) International Logistic Management (2) Compensation Management and (3) Fundamentals of Human Resource Management. He is also edited Three books titled (1) Empowering MSMEs for Global Competitiveness (2) MSMEs and Make in India and (3) India’s Foreign Relation and its Impact Trade Relation with Emerging Economies.
Weekly Plan: Duration in Weeks: Two Week Programme from 12th October 2022 to 25th October 2022 Length hours per week: From 9.30 AM to 5.30 PM
Instructor Name: Prof. Ram Singh, IIFT\nProf. Narasimhan, IIT, Bangalore\nProf. P. Saravanan, IIM, Trichy\nDr.Pratap.C.Mohanthy, IIT, Roorkee\nProf. Shveta Singh, IIT Delhi\nDr. S Pavan Kumar, NIT, Surathkal, Karnataka\nDr.Jebasingh Raja,Vice-Principal St.Joesph College\nProf. P. Natarajan, Pondicherry University\nProf. S. Victor Anandkumar, PU\nProf. Sudalaimuthu, PU\nProf. R. Venkatesakumar, PU\nProf. V.Mariappan, PU\nProf. Kasilingam, PU\nDr.Riasudeen, PU\nProf. Bushan D. Sudhakar\nProf. Yarlagadda Srinivasulu\nDr. Rajeswari, PU\nMr.V.Vishnu Varadan, PTU\nDr.R.Sevukan, PU\nDr. S. Janakiraman, PU\nDr. Arulmurugan, PU\nDr. P.G. Arul, PU\n
Instructors Photo

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Certification: Assessment and Grading (i) A+: 85 percent and above (ii) A: 70 per cent to less than or equal to 84 percent (iii) B: 60 per cent to less than or equal to 69 per cent (iv) C: 50 per cent to less than or equal to 59 per cent (v) F: Below 49 per cent Those teacher participants who get F grades are required to repeat the programme after a gap of one year without financial commitment to UGC-HRDC. A certificate is provided to all the eligible participants signed by the Director, HRDC; Course Co-ordinator and The Vice Chancellor.
Duration In Weeks: 2
Instructors Photo: 2
Assessment Plan Method: The total marks are fixed at 100 and the same may be decided in the following manner: (i) Overall response - 25 (ii) Seminars - 15 (iii) Project work- 20 (iv) Micro-teaching - 10 (v) Multiple-choice objective tests -30
Language: English
Course Style: Instructor-led
Length Hours Per Week: 36
Level: Advance