Course Details

Course Name: Refresher Course in Tamil Language and Literature
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Introduction: The Centre for Human Resource Development, Pondicherry University, organized a two-week refresher course on “Modern Approaches in Tamil, Language Literature Teaching”. This refresher course aimed to provide a comprehensive platform for upgrading and enhancing the knowledge and skills of the Tamil language teachers from colleges and universities. This refresher course was conducted from 20 July 2023 to 2 August 2023. The course recognized the enduring tradition of Tamil education and acknowledged the evolving nature of language and literary studies. New perspectives, ideas, aids, and interpretations continuously emerge in teaching Language and literature. New expressions on language, new insights based on literature and criticism are evolving on a daily basis. By incorporating these expressions in language and literary education, students can acquire new insights and offer new perspectives to the field. This, in turn, facilitates the teachers to connect the students of Tamil discipline to the language and literary education worldwide and empowers them to bridge the gap between traditional teachings and modern research methodologies.
Objectives: to provide the participants with opportunities and resources for their professional and personal enrichment. to orient on generic aspects of curricular reforms, such as interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary approaches. to update the participants on the new teaching learning methods when we adopt blended mode to sensitize the participants to work towards the goals of NEP 2020
Start Date: 20. 07. 2023
End Date: 02. 08. 2023
About Instructor: Dr. K.Pajanivelou is an alumnus of Pondicherry University. He has 26 years of teaching experience. He has contributed to the compilation of contemporary dictionary of Tamil idioms and phrases. He is a recipient of the President’s Young Scholar Award in the year 2011 for his contribution to classical Tamil. His research focuses on the application of the Russian linguist Michael Baktin’s theories in Tamil literary criticism. He has written 12 books and two of his books were awarded by the Government of Pondicherry and by the Tamil Nadu Art and literature Forum in the years 2001 and 2018 respectively. He has completed one project funded by the Central Institute of Classical Tamil. He is a UGC research Awardee and has a carried out his post-doctoral research on the topic “Narratological Study of Cilapathigaram”. He has successfully guided two Ph.D. candidates and presently guiding three Ph.D. scholars.
Weekly Plan: This program is scheduled to be conducted for two weeks. Every day four sessions are conducted. Each session is of 90 minutes duration.
Instructor Name: Dr. K. Pajanivelou,PU\nDr. M. Karunanidhi, PU\nDr. M. Jeeva, PU\nDr. B. RaviKumar,PU\nDr. Dhanalakshmi. V, PU\nDr. T. K. Ravichandran,PU\nDr. K.S. Kuppuswamy, PU\nNeelameghame\nProf. Panch Ramalingam\n
Instructors Photo

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Certification: (i) A+: 85 percent and above (ii) A: 70 per cent to less than or equal to 84 percent (iii) B: 60 per cent to less than or equal to 69 per cent (iv) C: 50 per cent to less than or equal to 59 per cent (v) F: Below 49 per cent Those teacher participants who get F grades are required to repeat the programme after a gap of one year without financial commitment to UGC-HRDC. A certificate is provided to all the eligible participants signed by the Director, HRDC; Course Co-ordinator and The Vice Chancellor.
Duration In Weeks: 2
Instructors Photo: 2
Assessment Plan Method: The participants were assessed based on five criteria, namely Participants’ Response, Seminar Presentation, Micro Teaching, Project Proposals, and Objective Type Test. The assessment was made based on the overall participation of the participants and their performance in the evaluation processes. (i) Overall response - 25 (ii) Seminars - 15 (iii) Project work- 20 (iv) Micro-teaching - 10 (v) Multiple-choice objective tests -30
Language: English
Course Style: Instructor-led
Length Hours Per Week: 36
Level: Advance