Course Details

Course Name: Refresher Course in Commerce/ Management
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Introduction: All disciplines today are under pressure due to knowledge explosion. It becomes therefore essential for a College / University teacher to continuously update his knowledge in his field of expertise.
Objectives: The Refresher Courses provide opportunities to In-service teachers: To exchange their experiences with peers and counterparts and mutually learn, Update themselves on the latest advances and possibly pursue research, Get exposed to new methods, innovations and plan to develop their own techniques of instructions in their working environment, and Create the culture of learning and self-improvement.
Start Date: 04. 07. 2023
End Date: 17. 07. 2023
University/College: Goa University
About Instructor: Dr Aruna Mesquita, Dr. Cidalia Bodade, Ms.Dhanya Menon, Prof.Sharmishta Benarjee, Prof. Ana Braganca, CA SatyaPrakash, CA SatyaPrakash, Ms. Pallavi Desai, Mr. Kishor Shah, Prof.Golak Nath, Dr K S Rao, Prof P K Sudarsan
Weekly Plan: Consumer Research, Corporate Communication, Career Management, Social Entrepreneurship, Performance Mgt, Transfer Pricing, Digital Marketing, Recent Trends in HR, Tax planning & filing ITR for salaried class, Selecting Journals for Research Publications, Retail Marketing
Instructor Name: Dr Aruna MesquitaDr. Cidalia BodadeMs. Dhanya MenonProf. Sharmishta BenarjeeProf. Ana BragancaMs. Pallavi DesaiMr. Kishor ShahProf. Golak NathDr K S RaoProf P K Sudarsan
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Certification: It's a Certified Course.
Duration In Weeks:
Instructors Photo:
Assessment Plan Method:
Language: English
Course Style: Instructor-led
Length Hours Per Week:
Level: Beginner