Course Details

Course Name: Commerce and Management
Course Image

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Introduction: Brief Introduction to the Course The refresher course in Commerce and Management is meant for teachers working in government, government-aided and affiliated colleges in Kerala and outside. Through this course, the teachers be allowed to learn recent additions in the discipline-Commerce and Management and contemporary areas, including growth, development and challenges of Derivatives; Practices, issues and opportunities in GST; Innovative practices in Commerce and Management; AI, Machine Learning and Data Analytics in Business, among others. Experienced teachers from academia and industry practitioners are the resource persons.
Objectives: Objectives of the Course The course aims at the following: 1. To impart the latest additions in the area of Commerce and Management 2. To share the theoretical and practical understanding of various concepts/areas in Commerce and Management 3. To impart contemporary concepts through innovative methods of teaching/learning process 4. To present project works prepared based on contemporary areas in Commerce and Management 5. To inculcate various skills, including critical thinking, capacity for teamwork, leadership skills, organisational skills etc.
Start Date: 14. 07. 2023
End Date: 27. 07. 2023
University/College: University of Kerala
About Instructor: Brief Profile of the Course Co-ordinator Dr.R.Vasanthagopal, Professor and Head, Institute of Management, and Dean, Faculty of Management Studies, University of Kerala is the course coordinator. Dr.Vasanthagopal has more than 10 years of experience as a Professor and 28 years of teaching and research experience. He is extensively involved in publications and presentations. Cell: 9895018010 E-mail:
Weekly Plan: Systematic Literature Review, Multidicipliniarity in Commerce and Management, Innovative Practices in Marketing, AI for Business, Derivatives: An Overview, Leadership Skills for Higher Education, Options Trading: Strategies, Challenges and Opportunities, Transaction Analysis, Goods and Services Tax: Practices and Issues, Academic Publications in Scopus and Web of Science Journals, Financial Innovations, International Financial Market and Instruments, Presentation of Project Work
Instructor Name: Dr.R. Vasanthagopal, Professor and Head, Institute
Instructors Photo

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Certification: The participants those how have successfully completed the program will be given a certificate of participation as mentioned in the UGC- Guidelines.
Duration In Weeks: 2 Weeks
Instructors Photo: 2 Weeks
Assessment Plan Method: Assessment Plan/method Overall response (Attendance) – 20 Seminar/Project Presentation – 20 Project Work - 30 Multiple-choice objective tests -30 (i) A+: 85 percent and above (ii) A: 70 per cent to less than or equal to 84 percent (iii) B: 60 per cent to less than or equal to 69 per cent (iv) C: 50 per cent to less than or equal to 59 per cent (v) F: Below 49 per cent
Language: English
Course Style: Self-paced
Length Hours Per Week: 6 days in a week (6hrs a day *6days = 36 hours)
Level: Beginner