Course Details

Course Name: Refresher Course
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Introduction: Education is the single most important instrument for social and economic transformation. As of now, we have more than 950 universities and 42,000 colleges, with total student enrolment of nearly 31 million. The Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) has doubled during the last 10 years to reach the level of 25.2%, as projected GER of 30% for 2020 by the Govt. of India. However, there is a growing chorus of discontent about ‘what is’ and ‘is not’ happening in the higher education enterprise. Too few people who start college do not graduate. The serious concern about low percentage of employability of our students is also highlighted. Too few graduates are job ready, not having acquired the knowledge, proficiencies and dispositions to compete in the global economy. The country is in the process of taking big strides in the field of higher education. It is estimated that India’s higher education will: • Adopt transformative and innovative approaches in Higher education. • Have an augmented Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) of 50 per cent • Reduce state-wise, gender based and social disparity in GER to 5 per cent. • Emerge as a single largest provider of global talent, with one in four graduates in the world being a product of the Indian higher education system. • Be among the top five countries in the world in terms of research output. • Have more than 20 universities among the global top 200.
Objectives: Looking on the latest trends and demands of Higher Education the HRDC’s have compiled following objectives of the courses i. understand the significance of education in general, and higher education in particular, in the global and Indian contexts; ii. understand the linkages between education and economic and socio-economic and cultural development, with particular reference to the Indian polity where democracy, secularism and social equity are the basic tenets of society; iii. acquire and improve basic skills of teaching at the college/university level to achieve goals of higher education; iv. keep abreast of the latest developments in their specific subjects; v. understand the organization and management of a college/university and to perceive the role of teachers in the total system; vi. utilize opportunities for development of personality, initiative and creativity; vii. provide a comprehensive and structured look at the challenges and opportunities brought by the use of ICT and open content (OER and MOOC) in higher education and to overview the visions and expectations of key higher education stakeholders towards the future of learning at universities and higher education institutions.
Start Date: 07. 10. 2022
End Date: 20. 10. 2022
University/College: Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education (Deemed University) Gwalior
About Instructor: Dr. Yatendra Kumar Singh has completed his education from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi and qualified UGC (NET). Dr. Singh is working as Associate Professor since May, 2018 in the Department of Physical Education Pedagogy, L.N.I.P.E., Gwalior. He has more than 15 years of experience in the area of Teaching, Coaching, Research and Administration. He has supervised more than fifty Ph.D./M.Phil Scholars and 25 Masters Level Dissertation. Dr. Singh has published 30 research papers and presented more than fifty research papers in various International / National Conferences / Seminars, likewise he has delivered more than 200 lectures in various HRDCs, Training courses, CWG 2010 etc. Dr. Singh has developed Sports Management and Research Methods as his area of interest and consistently delivering lecture of these areas too, apart from this Dr. Singh has also associated more than 15 Central / State Universities / Organizations as subject expert / BOS members / DRC members / Examiners etc. He is also author of four books. Dr. Singh has also appointed selector and Manager of Indian Universities Hockey (M) Team by Association of Indian University during the session 2018-19 and 2019-20. He has also represented Banaras Hindu University in Hockey for consecutive six years and also nominated as Captain of University Hockey (M) team. At present Dr. Singh is holding and administrative position as I/c Academics of L.N.I.P.E., Gwalior.
Weekly Plan: RC on the theme Physical Education was started on 07/10/2022 with the registration of the participants and followed by inauguration. After that two sessions were conducted and four sessions were allotted each day to the expert and professionals of Physical Education till 17/10/2022 and on 18/10/2022 the seminar was conducted in that the participants were asked to present their papers as per the theme prepared by HRDC. On 19/10/2022 the another criteria of assessment of participants i.e microteaching was conducted in this assessment the participants were asked to prepared PPT's and present under the supervision of experts and on the last day of the programme the closing ceremony was conducted the Vice Chancellor of the institute invited as Chief Guest and the Registrar of the institute was invited as Guest of Honor. The feedback of the programme was given by two participants during closing ceremony.
Instructor Name: Dr. Nibu R. KrishnaProf. M.K. SinghDr. Bipin Kumar DubeyDr. Narendra YadavDr. PadmakarDr. Prashant Kumar RaiDr. Deepak BangariDr. Om Prakash MishraDr. Karm Veer AryaDr. Manoj SahuDr. Binayak DubeyDr. Madan Singh RathoreDr. Ratnesh SinghDr. Amar KumarDr. Hem Chand JoshiDr. Satpal YadavDr. Shailesh SinghDr. Jospeh SinghDr. Sinku Kumar SinghDr. Vivek Kumar SinghDr. Vivek SinghDr. Rajeev ChoudharyDr. Bappa MullickDr. Poonam SinghDr. Sambhu PrasadDr. Ajit KumarDr. Vineet MehtaDr. Sunil DeshmukhDr. Mordhwaj SinghDr. Arvind VermaDr. Vishal BanneDr. Gaurav Kumar SinghDr. Jyoti Prakash Swain
Instructors Photo

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Certification: The participants of the course were given certificate as per the format given in UGC guideline. The participants who have secured 85% and above were given A+ grade and the participants who have secured in between 70% to 84% were given A grade and the participants who have assessed in between 60 to 69% were given the B grade, the participants who have secured marks in between 50 to 59% were awarded C grade and below 49% were supposed to the graded F.
Duration In Weeks: 2 Weeks
Instructors Photo: 2 Weeks
Assessment Plan Method: As per mentioned and guided in UGC guideline. The assessment/ evaluation process consist of written exam, microteaching, seminar and project submission. The participants required to participate in all.
Language: English
Course Style:
Length Hours Per Week: 36 Hours per week
Level: Advance