Course Details

Course Name: SRC in Hindi
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Introduction: The Induction Programme for training Faculty & Academic Staff in Central and State Universities, Centrally Funded technical Institutions, and Degree & PG Degree colleges will familiarise them in their roles as freshly inducted university teachers. It will orient them on various generic aspects of teaching learning, instructional methodologies, assessment and evaluation techniques, ICT enabled teaching learning, and equip them with knowledge of University rules and regulations, basics of governance and administration. 3. Duration The entire programme will be residential and, in order to complete all the modules, it will ideally require 170 to 175 hours, including some project work and field visits. An ideal duration of the programme will therefore be approximately 1 month (excluding Sunday and National Holidays). 4. Title of modules Module 1: Higher Education and its Ecosystem (17 Hrs) Module 2: Curriculum designing, Outcome based learning and Choice basedcredit system (20 Hrs) Module 3: Teaching, Learning and Assessment (20 Hrs) Module 4: Technology for Teaching and assessment of I-generation (20 Hrs) Module 5: Personal-Emotional Development and Counselling (20 Hrs) Module 6: Research, Professional Development and Academic Leadership (20 Hrs) Module 7: Academic Integrity (10 Hrs) Module 8 : Constitutional Values, Human Rights & Fundamental Duties (13 Hrs) Module 9: Environmental Consciousness and Sustainable Development Goals (10 Hrs) Module 10 : Strategic Planning and Manage
Objectives: Rationale of Faculty Induction Programme: 1. To sensitise and motivate the faculty to adopt learner centered approaches, ICT integrated learning and new pedagogic approaches to teaching- learning, assessment tools in higher education. 2. Implement curriculum reforms in the context of interdisciplinarity, multi-disciplinarity and applied approaches to knowledge. 3. Adopt flexible evaluation processes which are more scientific to evaluate multiple skills and competencies of students. 4. Promote four possible types of faculty development: personal (interpersonal skills, career development, and life planning issues); instructional (course design and development, instructional technology); organisational (ways to improve the institutional environment to better support teaching); and professional (ways to support faculty members so that they fulfil their multiple roles of teaching, research, and service). 6 GURU-DAKSHTA Faculty Induction Programme (FIP) 5. To promote academic excellence, teaching innovation, research capabilities and leadership skills. 6. To improve the professional capability and performance of teachers to deliver effective and quality learning.
Start Date: 01. 12. 2022
End Date: 14. 12. 2022
University/College: UGC HRDC AMU Aligarh
About Instructor: The Induction Programme for training Faculty & Academic Staff in Central and State Universities, Centrally Funded technical Institutions, and Degree & PG Degree colleges will familiarise them in their roles as freshly inducted university teachers. It will orient them on various generic aspects of teaching learning, instructional methodologies, assessment and evaluation techniques, ICT enabled teaching learning, and equip them with knowledge of University rules and regulations, basics of governance and administration. 3. Duration The entire programme will be residential and, in order to complete all the modules, it will ideally require 170 to 175 hours, including some project work and field visits. An ideal duration of the programme will therefore be approximately 1 month (excluding Sunday and National Holidays). 4. Title of modules Module 1: Higher Education and its Ecosystem (17 Hrs) Module 2: Curriculum designing, Outcome based learning and Choice basedcredit system (20 Hrs) Module 3: Teaching, Learning and Assessment (20 Hrs) Module 4: Technology for Teaching and assessment of I-generation (20 Hrs) Module 5: Personal-Emotional Development and Counselling (20 Hrs) Module 6: Research, Professional Development and Academic Leadership (20 Hrs) Module 7: Academic Integrity (10 Hrs) Module 8 : Constitutional Values, Human Rights & Fundamental Duties (13 Hrs) Module 9: Environmental Consciousness and Sustainable Development Goals (10 Hrs) Module 10 : Strategic Planning and Manage
Weekly Plan: You are most welcome at the UGC Human Resource Development Centre, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh. The AMU, is a historic institution that has been serving the cause of higher education since 1877, first as a College and then as a University since 1920. ➢ Your timetable will be uploaded soon on Google classroom. ➢ Each session will be of 90 minutes: 50-60 minutes presentation in English / Hindi followed by question and answer and discussion. ➢ Course Platform: Google Classroom (For assignments) / Google Meet (For Live Classes) Google Meet has recording facility. It will be used for the attendance record to be sent to UGC and Google Classroom will be used for collecting your submitted assignments. The medium for instruction at the UGC Human Resource Development Centre is English, as it is a Central University and many course participants are from non-Hindi speaking states. We nonetheless request the Resource Persons to use mixed languages English and Hindi for the benefit of all the participants. Course participants are requested not to disturb the Resource Persons on this issue.
Instructor Name: NA
Instructors Photo No Image
Certification: 1) E-Library: An e-library of open access books on topics relevant to the modules of the FIP, has been created on our website. In order to encourage the reading habits in our participants and to encourage adaptation of digital learning through available e-resources, we will reward the users of this e-library on 2) Participants who log in for a maximum number of times will be given prizes in the valedictory. 3) Language classes: Free, online and optional language classes will be held for entry level proficiency in English/Hindi/Urdu. 6:00 - 6:50 Hindi 6:50 - 7:40 English 7:40 - 8:30 Urdu Please fill the google form on google classroom and indicate your interest. These are elementary level classes and aimed at imparting basic knowledge only. 4) AzadikaAmritMahotsav: To mark the grand celebration of the “AzadiKaAmritMahotsav” the UGC HRDC, AMU is organizing an essay competition amongst all its participants. Kindly see the guidelines on our website and participate in large numbers to honour this grand celebration of our democracy. ➢ On your successful completion of the course, the Certificate will be generated from our website. You can download it by using the code we will email you. The relieving certificate will also be issued online.
Duration In Weeks:
Instructors Photo:
Assessment Plan Method:
Language: English
Course Style: Self-paced
Length Hours Per Week:
Level: Beginner